Since the day she arrived, 4 months ago, Skye has made a tremendous amount of progress. She is getting more confident every day and is learning to trust people.
We see that in little things like this weekend when she walked past us while we were in the kitchen. Since the kitchen is narrow and is between the backyard and the rest of the house, she would wait until we cleared the way before going to her bed in the living room.
Active training is still a bit of a challenge, and the targeting I was planning to work on with her is not really going anywhere. I think that she is getting stressed when she sees I am expecting something from her, she turns her head away like "I am not seeing/hearing anything - lalala". Also the fact that she is not food motivated doesn't help.
On the other hand, we are strengthening our bond. She comes for cuddles and butt scratches, gives kisses, engages in play. I am able to touch her all over, restrain her for short period of time.
Her socialization with people is going well. She loves our cleaning crew and is curious about our friends. We just started meeting dogs (see previous post).
But the best is really seeing her bonding with her dad. It's slow but there is definitively progress. Here is a play session they had couple days ago :)