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Interested in learning more about farmed animals?

We offer a variety of talks to schools, summer camps, libraries, and community centers about the following topics:


  • Chickens and egg industry

  • Cows and dairy industry

  • Meat industry

  • Impact of animal agriculture on our planet (a favorite with high schools)

  • The life of farm animals (best for 3rd to 8th graders)


The talks cover the ethical, environmental, social, and health impacts of animal agriculture. They are age-appropriate (8 to adult) and the content and length can be customized to your needs.


Some of our popular adult talks are:


  • A Hen's Tale: From a Battery Cage to Playing Cards
    Come and listen to the story of Marjo, a laying hen rescued from a factory farm who learned to play cards. Learn how chickens make great pets and what is involved in keeping them in your backyard.


  • The Cost of Milk: Stories from the Dairy Industry
    Learn about the social life of cows and the reality of the dairy industry. There will be an interesting discussion about the impact of milk on the planet, our health and the animals.


  • The Myth of Humane and Sustainable Meat
    Learn about our food system and the animals we eat. Let's look at the commercial beef, pork, chicken, and fish industries. We will discuss food labeling and welfare, as well as the current relevant legislation and policies. While exploring the environmental, social, and health impacts of industrial farming, we will try to answer the question : Can animal agriculture ever be humane and sustainable?


Please contact for more information.


The knowledge you shared was a perfect fit for the age range of our campers and although it’s certainly a challenging subject to learn about, you approached it with tact, humor and enthusiasm. We couldn’t have asked for a more positive experience.

- Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA


We have partnered with Clorofil for several years in education and community outreach programs. Isabelle is a frequent speaker at our events for audiences of all ages, always providing important and thought-provoking information about animal welfare issues, especially around factory farming, a vegan lifestyle, and the rescue of farm animals, most notably chickens and turkeys. She is one of our best-loved contributors, and the work done by Clorofil to help animals is exemplary.

- Palo Alto Humane Society


Clorofil’s thoughtful and insightful presentations on chickens opened many students eyes and hearts to the reality of who chickens are and the lives that far too many of them face in factory farming. Isabelle skillful invites the students to learn and to ask questions about what differences they can make through their own actions.  

- Santa Cruz county animal shelter


Isabelle’s lecture on the Dairy Industry was very enlightening. She covered so many aspects related to the subject, including cows as living beings, the effect of the dairy industry on the environment and food alternatives to dairy products. The subject was well researched and everyone learned something new.

- Palo Alto JCC


Isabelle has come to our high school several times to share her knowledge with students. They love hearing Isabelle because the discussions are interactive. She shares great stories about animals, and encourages them to think critically and problem solve. The students always look forward to learning more about animals, their care, and how to actively advocate for them!

- High school teacher

Upcoming events


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We offer presentations about the animals used in our food system as well as chicken care classes.

Please contact if you want to schedule an event at your venue.


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